
So.  If the month ended today, we would be completely on target for our grocery budget 😉

However, the month ends in two weeks, so I’m not holding my breath.

At the beginning of the month, we had to buy dog food and a few other things: $29.34

Today I bought milk, two kashi frozen meals, chicken, sausage, ground beef, cornmeal, flour, sugar, ricotta cheese, cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese, a lime, a tomato, two cans of black beans, two bells peppers, tortillas, two jars of pasta sauce (BOGO), two cans of cooking spray (BOGO), eggs, cilantro, brown sugar, and basil for $74.53.

Okay, so even so, we would still be over $100… but close.  Maybe we can make it for $200???

In addition to limiting my grocery shopping and couponing (which was a bust this week except for a $5 off $50 I had), I’m trying to meal plan.  This is what it looks like so far:

  • 10th-veggie and bean burritos (which were uber yummy)
  • 11th-taboule (which we made today and are chilling overnight)
  • 12th-chicken and rice
  • 13th-baked ziti
  • 14th-leftovers
  • 15th-homemade pizza (Andrew is looking forward to this big time)
  • 16th-undecided… maybe a veggie night with stuff from our Orlando Organics delivery
  • 17th-Jambalaya for Megan and Jonathan 🙂
  • 18th-Mac and cheese (I need to learn how to make this from scratch)
  • 19-rice and beans
  • 20th and 21st ????
  • 22nd-French toast
  • 23-30th-???

For lunches we’re doing leftovers and PB&J, and for breakfast we have plenty of bagels and cereal.

We still have a long way to go… but hopefully we’ll get there without spending too much money 🙂

P.S. Thanks, Jennine, for feeding Andrew and I lunch and dinner 😉

3 thoughts on “Groceries

  1. Ivan and I have a hard time staying under $500 a month… (we include all incidentals in that as well including sometimes me having to get my hair done etc)… Most of the time we can stay within $300 a month.. we shop in two week increments so like $150 each time we shop. We also plan meals… It really is tough.. I need to start leveraging coupons … erg.

  2. I’m not great with staying under budget in the grocery department, but someone just pointed me to a really useful website for coupons and such.

    I’m not much for clipping coupons, but she makes it make much more sense and keeps on top of the good deals. Check out her video tutorials.

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